Laser Xpressions offers a wide variety of Laser engraveable Dog Tag Pendants to choose from at affordable prices. There are nickel, rhodium, and even crystal that all come with your choice of a standard sausage chain or keychain. These photo necklace pendants are the most wanted accessories for many different ages.
Give your boyfriend or girlfriend a picture of the two of you with a special message laser engraved on the back. Proud grandparents will love to show off the new addition to the family. Memorialize a loved one with a pendant and wear it close to your heart. A dog tag is perfect for remembering your pet companion as well.
These dog tag pendants are also great for just text. Wear his name around your neck; or an important date; a favorite saying; a quote. Choose any font that fits your style.
These pendants/key chains make great gifts for personal or corporate events. Clip art photos; your favorite sport team with a players number; horoscopes are just some ideas of what to capture. If you can imagine it, we can create it.